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9:00 - 17:00
Low costs Only high-quality leads
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High traffic Largest broker comparison company (NL)
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Oekraïne oorlog & gedrag beleggers

De oorlog in Oekraïne: hoe reageren beleggers? liet een onderzoek uitvoeren om erachter te komen...

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COVID-19 en beleggen: Gevolgen op de financiële markten

Waar vóór de coronacrisis 13% van de Nederlanders belegde, is nu 17% van plan om te beleggen...

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Lancering website

Online beleggen is populairder dan ooit. Daarom lanceerde Broker Data na een 1,5 jaar voorbereiding

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Read more about —

At, our goal is to provide our users with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their investments. We understand that navigating the world of online brokers can be overwhelming, which is why we’ve created a platform that simplifies the process. Our powerful comparison modules allow you to easily compare different brokers just like comparing mobile phones or plane tickets. Via you can find the best fit for your investment needs.

We are dedicated to keeping our users informed and up-to-date on the latest developments within the platform. In this blog, you’ll find all of the latest news and updates about From new features to redesigns or market research, we strive to provide you with valuable information that will help you make better investment decisions.

On this page we provide our users with the latest news about our platform itself. If you are searching for educational resources, including articles and guides on trading and investing, you can go to itself. For now, this website is only available in Dutch. In the near future we will add a lot of other languages!

We believe that access to accurate and relevant information is key to successful investing, and we strive to provide our users with the best possible resources.

We hope that you find our blog informative and valuable. We’re committed to continuing to improve and evolve the platform to better serve our users.